What Is the Blair Chiropractic Method?

Focused On You Chiropractic uses the Blair Chiropractic Method to offer a holistic approach to your care. But does it matter which technique your chiropractor uses? Doesn’t all chiropractic care lead to the same results? Not necessarily.

Whether you’re seeking relief from chronic pain or want to boost your wellness, the Blair Technique can deliver the results you’re looking for. Let us explain why we prefer the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique.

Your Upper Neck and Your Health

Your nervous system controls and regulates all parts and functions in your body. Head and neck misalignment can disrupt vital brain messages to any part of the body. This can lead to a myriad of health problems and pain throughout, including organ dysfunction and other conditions.

Your cranium-cervical junction includes a unique set of bones in your spine, which are subject to unique stresses. Their shape and function let you turn your head with a wide range of motion. These bones, named the Atlas and the Axis, support your skull and brain your entire life.

Misalignment of the Atlas and Axis can interfere with vital messages being sent to and from the brain to all parts of the body. Individuals may experience everything from tingling to high blood pressure to irregular heartbeats.

Why Use the Blair Chiropractic Method?

Many patients are looking for alternatives to invasive treatment like surgery and medication. The Blair method offers a gentler, customizable option that improves your health with the type of treatment you prefer.

The Blair Chiropractic Technique is used to analyze and correct vertebral subluxations in a specific way. These subluxations can be present for years before manifesting any symptoms. The body's intelligence can then mend, repair, and maintain your health.

The Blair Method is also a flexible, holistic treatment option. It isn’t only for patients with neck and back pain. It’s helped patients with headaches, migraines, and vertigo.

How the Blair Chiropractic Method Works

The Blair Method uses neurological tests and sophisticated instruments to detect vertebral subluxation. When your vertebrae are misaligned, they can interfere with the brainstem and spinal cord as they exit the skull into the neural canal.

Your exam may include a postural assessment, thermal readings, medical imaging, and measurements. It may also involve neurological and strength testing. These tests are used to determine the exact adjustments needed to align your vertebrae and promote your body’s ability to heal itself.

The Blair Method leverages physics and mathematics to provide you with an effective adjustment. No twisting, cracking, or popping is ever needed. With the Blair Method, patients often need fewer adjustments and can hold their adjustments longer.

Why Choose a Blair Upper Cervical Doctor?

Focused On You Chiropractic has been helping Round Rock patients with the Blair Chiropractic Method for over 13 years! Patients across Austin have showered us with stellar reviews and touching testimonials. Thanks to the Blair Technique, our patients have less pain, less illness, and enjoy better health and better quality of life!

We’ll provide you with a precise diagnosis using advanced diagnostic tools. Don’t worry about any cracking, twisting, or popping in our office. We gently correct and realign the upper cervical spine. Contact Focused On You Chiropractic today for your first Blair Chiropractic Method appointment!

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